Thursday, July 30, 2020

Simple Tool

This is a very short post from vacationland up in the Adirondacks. Anyone who has worked in an office for the last decade has likely seen these things, although you may not have paid them much attention. They are the skewers used for fruit in the fruit "bouquets" marketed by Edible Arrangements. As a modeler always looking at the functionality of things, I thought they might be useful and grabbed a bunch. They proved be quite useful for two things. One end is shaped akin to a Phillips head screwdriver. That one functions well as a manual uncoupling tool. The other end works as a handle for holding truck sideframes while painting. Simply slide the bolster truck mounting hole over the tool. It is a particularly good fit for Tahoe Model Works truck sideframes.


  1. I've got a bunch of those that I'm trying to make into a flatcar load. The problem is the wooden crosspieces to divide layers of skewers. There's very little gluing area and it's a very fragile assembly.

  2. Ted . . . just finished looking through the digital version of your latest magazine (looking forward to the hard copy) and it brought up a question related to tools. Have you made any modifications to or can you give some tips on using a "True Sander"? I find it a bit awkward to use (which is probably me) and was trying to come up with ways to improve it. Thanks.


Comments always welcome!